I'm from Morocco a country that is situated in the north of Africa and i'm living in Tangier; a city in the north of Morocco.
Tangier is a good city, we have beautiful seas and we are near to Spain (we can go there in 30mins only but by boat) and we are famous by our accent that is funny for the others because we talk slowly and we have specific words for somethings like carrots in our language is "djada" but in classical arabic it's "khiso"...in Tangier we have really nice places where we can go and see panoramic views espacialy in "achakar" who's a place where you have traditional food like grilled fish and tea. Until now i talked only about good things but the bad things i think it's that we are bored quickly so we go out alwaays this is why if you go out at midnight you'll see a lot of people outside and sometimes we have really bad weather with a lot of wind even in summer.
Hi Kenza my name is Jojo. First of all i'd like to say happy belated birthday! People get super bored here too but what do you like to do in you spare time? What are your favorite sports teams and movies? It sounds really pretty out there where you live. Maybe someday I'll get to come and see it for myself. Well if you ever want to know a little more about me or where I live feel free to check out my blog and ask any questions you want. http://jochurch.blogspot.com/
RépondreSupprimerHi Jojo ! Thanks for wishing me a happy birthday. In my spare time, i really like to do sport, to go out with my father and walk near the sea, to go out with my friends and eat sushi, to watch a movie in the cinema, or to cook.I don't have a favorite sport team but my favorite movie is "Taken". Thanks for your comment and i if you come to Tangier you will be welcomed!
SupprimerTaken is a really good movie!!! Great choice. I like cooking too. I even took a class on it once and I loved the whole concept of eating your homework. What sport do you like? I just recently tried sushi and I actually really like it.
SupprimerThanks, i really like basketball ! What about you ?
SupprimerI love basketball!!! I've been playing since I was eight. I like watching it too but playing it is great. I also play football, not on a team or anything but just for fun. Being part of a team is the best feeling ever.
SupprimerYes you're right !! But personally i prefer to play basketball than to watch it...and sorry for being late to respond you!!
SupprimerThat's totally ok. How are you? How's school?
SupprimerI really enjoyed reading your blog! My name is Kate. I hope you had a good birthday. It would be amazing to live so close to Spain! Here in Fortuna, we live in a very small town. How many people live in Tangier? I live very close to the ocean as well. There are many places where we can enjoy the beautiful scenery. Do you spend a lot of time at the beach? If you want to learn more about me and Fortuna, check out my blog! http://katemcarroll.blogspot.com/
RépondreSupprimerThank you for your comment, in Tangier there is nearly one million inhabitants. I really like the views in the beach but unfortunately i don't go to there frequently. What about you?
SupprimerHi Kenza, Im Sebastian your city sounds fun and full of night life. I went to Australia and it was kind of the same that everyone is out at night because it is so hot during the day, is it hot there and is that why people go out at night other than just being bored? I love having cities right near the ocean because it makes for great views. Now I want to stay a day a there and experience your rich culture.
RépondreSupprimerHi Sebastian, no it's not because of the weather, it's just that Tangier's people sleep a lot so they wake up late and they go out just before the sunset and sometimes it's hot in Tangier specially in summer. I think too that living in a city near the ocean is so cool and thanks for your comment.
SupprimerHey i'm Madeline. Happy Birthday! Your city sounds pretty cool! I have seen pictures and it is a very beautiful place. I have been to Africa once before and it was amazing! What is your favorite food?
RépondreSupprimerHi Madeline, thanks for wishing a happy birthday. Yes i agree with you Tangier is a beautiful city and it's better in real life than in pictures. My favorite food is fried sushi, what about you?